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KuCoin Login Earn is a one-stop wealth management service platform created by KuCoin. Users can use various financial products to increase the value of their holdings
KuCoin Earn provides products such as Flexible Savings, Staking, Polkadot, and ETH 2.0 in both flexible and fixed terms. For flexible term products, users can redeem their funds at any time. For fixed term products, the funds will be automatically redeemed to their account at maturity. The yield of fixed term products is higher than that of flexible term products
Hover over a coin on KuCoin Login Earn with your cursor to display all of its available products. Click the Transfer In or Subscribe button on a product and enter your purchase amount to purchase the product
Select a product type in your Financial Account to view all of the corresponding products you have purchased
To redeem funds from a Flexible Savings product, click the Transfer Out or Redeem button. To redeem funds from a Staking product, click the Redeem button. The funds of a fixed term product will be automatically redeemed to your account at maturity. All the redeemed funds will be credited to your Main Account
Fluctuations in returns are normal and depend on the market conditions and changing trends of the crypto industry.
Last updated